Tag Archives: a christmas carol

New Postcard Designs, and another Life Story Comic strip.

Howdy there, my super funkdefied friends,

In this weeks blogaroo, I’ve posted up some brand new designs for some super cool postcards I am having printed up to give out to you and your friends next time you come to a THINGS OUTSIDE THE SKIN show. Which, by the way, the next one is happening one week from NOW, Sunday, November 16th @ Arlenes Grocery, more details in the blog below. I have posted some kick ass live videos that the folks over at Biff Juggernaut Productions shot at the last show, check them out, see what you missed, and see why you NEED to come to the show on the 16th. Oh yeah, I also posted up another almost realistically real “Life Story” comic strip made by yours truly.

Check it out on the Blight Blog: http://blightproductions.wordpress.com/

Your pal,
Blight the Clown
(A.K.A.) Brian A. Bernhard
Blight Productions
Website: http://www.blightproductions.com
Band: http://www.totsland.net
Twitter: http://twitter.com/BlightTheClown1
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/blightproductions
Blog: http://blightproductions.wordpress.com
Gallery: http://fudgerat.deviantart.com/gallery
T-Shirts: http://blightproductions.spreadshirt.com
Myspace Music: http://www.myspace.com/blightproductions
Myspace Film: http://www.myspace.com/blightproductionsmovies