Tag Archives: review

Sideline Magazine (2005)

Review Source: Sideline Magazine
Release: You Knew It All Along
Label: Facility Records

Hailing from NY, this band sounds like a mishmash of different influences and styles. I would define it as cyber-rock mixed with rap resulting in hard, but still softer pieces. The remix by Headache is the most electronic-minded one and definitely my favorite one! This is already the 3rd full length of TOTS!

Review by: Cedric on Dec 05, 05

Shredding Paper (2002)

Review Source: Shredding Paper #13
Artist: Various Artists
Release: Teen Feeding Frenzy: A Tribute to the Music Teens Love
Label: Go Kustom Records

Deconstruction, reconstruction and demolition is what this thrashing of rock oldies is all about. things outside the skin’s take on the Spice Girls ultra-moronic “Spice Up Your Life” with a spooky electronica version, really nutty fun. One of many highlights of an outstanding album.

– Mel

Semtex Zine (2006)

Review Source: Semtex Zine
Title: You Knew It All Along
Label: Facility Records
Author score: 3 of 10

What the hell is this? Things Outside The Skin seem to be a bunch of old dudes playing a mix of alternative new wave, totally depending on dark beats and bleeps. The vocalist has a misplaced form of humor in songs such as Spice Up Your Life and Cow Tippin. I’m kind of getting sleepy by their attempts to mix dark music with their way of humor. It feels pretty macabre, to say the least and to give this review an ironic turn. Anyway, besides the bleepz and beats there are some exclusive remixes and radio edits included, that sound not too different from the original songs, just a few that lean towards the gabbercore scene. Uninteresting.

This reminded me of the time when Rob Halford from Judas Priest released this record Voyeur one time, under an alter ego named Two. I fucking hated that record, and people who know the scoop around this, will understand me. I’m kind of getting that same bad feeling again. Bad. I gave it a try but it’s not working on me at all. Buy a guitar dudes, play metal and quit the silly humor. Rob did it too.

-review by Ray Kluze

Re-Gen Magazine (2005)

Review Source: Re-Gen Magazine
Release: You Knew It All Along
Label: Facility Records

Now here’s something a bit different. Take a smidge of lo-fi new-wave, add a good dose of satirical, biting humour reminiscent of Frank Zappa (just listen to “Cow Tippin’” to hear what I mean), and put it into a mixer where anything can happen. Then let the inventive minds of Chvad SB, Blight Productions, and brilliantly-named drummer The 1-2-3-4 loose on it, and if you can get your heads around that little lot, then you’ll have some idea of what Things Outside the Skin are about.

It’s a mix that the band refer to as “agit pop.” While it is an unpredictable listen (in the best possible way, of course), it’s never over-indulgent, although some of the remixes do push their luck a bit, proving that original is always best. There’s a sense of discipline throughout which prevents the album from becoming experimental or just plain dull. Picking out highlights is no easy task, although the opening duo of “American Way” and “Mettle IV: Programmed Apathy” both demonstrate the trio’s knack for blending the dventurous with the easily accessible with gritty guitars, and some excellent bass in the case of the former, making for a late ‘70s feel. The freeform angry ranting vocals that provide an effective counterpoint to the slow-moving soundscape of “The Most Appealing Thing” are another standout point, giving this otherwise moody track an injection of energy and adrenaline.

There are a couple of covers too. While I can see where they’re coming from with the Devo influence, covering “Going Under,” the last thing I expected to hear was a Spice Girls cover, but here it is; “Spice Up Your Life” getting the TOtS treatment, transformed beyond recognition into an atmospheric electronica outing, with additional vocals from Animary. Also, I love the sick subtitle of the remix; pity they didn’t rewrite the lyrics and release it under that title!

This is what the band are all about, unleashing one surprise after another, but showing good musicianship in the process. To get the most out of this you’ll need toput yourself in the same open frame of mind as the band must have been in when they recorded it. So if you can drop your preconceptions and embrace an album that is most likely unlike anything you’ve ever heard before, then You Knew It All Along may be just what you’re looking for.

-review by carlj

Ox-Fanzine (2005)

Review Source: Ox-Fanzine
Label: Facility Records

Das Industrial-Trio THINGS OUTSIDE THE SKIN aus Brooklyn sieht sich unter anderem in der Tradition von Bands wie DEVO, MINISTRY, SKINNY PUPPY und GODFLESH. Energie und in die Fresse wird demnach großgeschrieben, die Beats ballern, die Sequencer knarzen, die Samples gruseln und der Gesang ist natürlich böse verzerrt. Doch so gut die Songs und ihre etlichen ebenfalls hier versammelten Remixes auch klingen, im Gegensatz zu den genannten Originatoren geht diesen Jungs jenes unerbittlich zwingende Moment ab, das wahre Visionäre von Epigonen trennt. Schlecht ist hier nichts, so richtig überwältigend allerdings auch nicht. Unterm Strich bleibt ein tierisch aggressives Album einer Band, die im Guten wie im weniger Guten über weite Strecken etwas an junge VELVET ACID CHRIST erinnert und definitiv Potenzial zu Größerem hat. Fans dieser Stilrichtung, die sich auch vor einer ordentlichen Portion Illbient Vibes und Endzeit-HipHop Grooves nicht fürchten, sollten einfach mal ein Ohr riskieren.

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